Chris attended the two week training course in London hosted by the Association of Environmentally Conscious Builders, with highly respected tutors including Nick Grant, Alan Clark, Warm Associates and many others. Following a gruelling 3 hour exam Chris is now fully qualified to advise on all aspects of Passivhaus design and assess detailed energy models on the way to Near Zero Carbon.

If Passivhaus is new to you we strongly recommend you check out the Passivhaus Trust UK’s website which explains the key concepts : steady 20oC internal temperatures, constant clean air supply and reliably 80% lower heating bills than Building Regulations.

And it’s not just for houses either, with a steadily growing list of building types including offices, schools, factories and even archive buildings, Passivhaus is growing exponentially in popularity in the UK. We look forward to making your next building Passiv, cheap to run and low carbon!